Friday, February 20, 2009

What I Learned This Week.......

So I decided to recap on my week....

Monday I had a wonderful day off and I learned my cousin might be getting married sooner than anyone expected. She has it sooo bad and she is swimming in the sea of denial.....
Tuesday I remembered why I first fell in love with caffeine (sigh). I think the person who discovered it should get an extra jewel in his/her crown when they get to heaven, lol. Just joking; but seriously I had Southern Pecan coffee at work today and all I can say is "Praise the Lord and may His mercies endureth forever".
Wednesday I realized that even though we want the guys to do everything first, we are going to have to help them out there or we might be waiting until the Lord comes for them to actually say what they're thinking....Oh yeah and if I could find a Christian version of John Mayer...(sigh)
Thursday I realized how much I love this nut God created: ME! I wouldn't change anything about me, well except the fact that I can have a long drawn out conversation in my sleep without trying; but I digress. I was in Bible School yesterday and we were discussing discernment. I have been seeking God about that forever, (well not forever but you get the point) and now everywhere I turn its being talked about.
Friday is today. TGIF! Well only because I can sleep in tomorrow (or try to). I have to make sure I have everything sorted out for the dinner. I have to also remember to show myself friendly. I hope everyone's week was blessed. May God bless you and yours.