Sunday, February 22, 2009

Miss Match- Erynn Mangum

So I am re-reading one of my favorite Christian Chick-Lit books: Miss Match by Erynn Mangum. The main character Lauren Holbrook is absolutely hilarious! Miss Match is the first book in the Lauren Holbrook series. What I love about Lauren's character is she's your normal coffee loving (sounds familiar) God fearing, Jane Austen quoting nut! Lauren has discovered her God-ordained calling: match making! and she's in serious overdrive. Lauren's content with singleness but for how long can she convince her friends she's the match maker, not them. Erynn's a genius! I won't give away any more of the plot but I can say that I am sooo looking forward to the new Maya Davis series coming out next year. The first book is called Cool Beans. The complete Lauren Holbrook series is as follows: Miss Match, Rematch, and Match Point. There's mention of Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice and Emma. The perfect combination: God, Jane Austen and light hearted comedy. What more can a girl want?