Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Girl's Night In!!!

Finally!!! My best friends and I had a girls night. We went to the mall to shop (of course) and went to my girlfriends house later to eat and watch tv and movies. Sadly Jane Austen wasn't an option in the movie pile. What a cruel world I live in! I'm having a major Starbucks White Mocha craving. The last time I had one was last year after my ballet class. I want some sooo bad. Maybe if I do a late night commute to the Starbucks in the city I can get 2 so I won't have to worry about one in the morning. Are they open this late? I think they should have a 24 hour Starbucks! I should patent that idea, I would be so rich! You know what? I should call it an early night, the lack of caffeine is making me delusional.