Sunday, February 15, 2009

Brighter Than Sunshine

Today I woke up to that song constantly playing in my head. The song "Brighter Than Sunshine" by Aqualung was in the movie "A Lot Like Love" starring Ashton Kutcher and Amanda Peet. The funny thing was I wasn't watching the movie but practicing the bad habit of sleeping with the TV on. The title of the song is what gets me, its part of an inside joke my girlfriends and I share. I will share with you soon enough.
Anywho, today at church I was upstairs with the children teaching Children's Church. I absolutely love being around them, they're tiring but I love their energy. This month we are teaching them about Exodus and Black History Month. Afterwards, we had a bake sale. Last night I made 14 dozen cookies (oatmeal raisin, chocolate chip, and white chocolate and macadamia nut) and a dozen cupcakes. I didn't finish until 3 am. It wouldn't have been so bad but my alarm woke me up 3 hours later! To God be the glory! In the evening, me and the girls did our regular routine and hung out by my cousin in-law to be house. We didn't feel like cooking so we ordered Chinese food. We went easy on the fried food since we just came off our Daniel's fast. The best thing? Knowing I can sleep in tomorrow.