Thursday, February 19, 2009

Be Yourself?

"Be yourself, everyone else is taken."- Oscar Wilde.
This has to be one of my favorite secular quotes. Why? Because it states the facts in one sentence. Everything is summed up for you in a simple statement: be yourself. Why? Because, everyone else is taken. If you're not yourself who are you going to be? I remember before I rededicated my life to Christ I was all over place. I didn't know who I was anymore. When I got back into church, I thought I was supposed to look, talk, and sound like everyone else because they looked like "christians". But by who's standards? When I became completely sold out for Christ it was a change that started from the inside: the heart. God started working on me, in me, and through me. He made me aware of skirt lengths, shirt sizes. I became more aware of the way I looked, talked, carried myself, etc. because I was becoming who God wanted to: me. And that included my crazy print bohemian dresses (believe me, I have a lot) , ethnic jewelry, 4 inch stilettos, short curly hair, etc. There's a person or people I can reach because I am being the person God has made me to be. Jesus didn't fit the mold. He was unconventional in every sense of the word. He reached out to those who would have been lost otherwise; he was a teacher and lived a life so his could be the ultimate example. He broke the mold we were expected to fit into. It's not about tradition or religion in the sense you're just wearing the title of a christian. It's about a personal relationship with Christ. The word Christian is broken down simply: Christ-like. When we become Christ-like, we come who He wants us to be. When you find Jesus, you find yourself.