Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sharing is Caring

Blessings to everyone on this day! I am trying to encourage myself in the Lord today (I'm not in a spiritual battle; I just have a really bad toothache/earache/headache that I'm trying not to think about).
I have found blogging to freeing and relaxing. It feels good to share my random experiences, thoughts, etc. I just won't share any of my friends and families names for fear of being attacked by them (lol).
The Lord has been revealing His awesomeness to me day by day and I am in constant amazement by Him. The songs I love a lot lately are "Amazed" by Lincoln Brewster and "All I Need Is You" by Hillsong United. It could be that I am in a constant worship mood lately because its time to rehearse praise dances to Minister on Easter and our upcoming Youth Convention; I love those songs none the less.
But I digress. I have been slowly finding blogs by other saints in Christ that both entertain and speak to my spirit. It seems that these days people either don't talk about Christ or force feed Him to you. I think the best way to reach others and introduce them to Christ is by living Him. You have to live in Christ EVERYDAY so that others can see Him in you. I could stand on a soapbox on the corner of a street and preach until I pass out or I could live the life everyday and minister to others that way. I am a freshman in Bible School and the first year is Evangelism. It's a powerful class; everyday feels like you live what you have learned in classroom. That being said, I realize how important it is to share the Gospel. It's like everyone in the world is dying. Someone gives you the vaccine and saves you from death. You have the vaccine now, will you give it to others or will you keep it to yourself? Think about it.