Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's Not About Us

Today I had intercessory prayer at church. I am the only one under 25 that regularly attends it. Sad, I know but true. I was drawn to it over a year ago; I wanted to be the one to intercede on behalf of my family, love ones, friends, the lost, etc. I have been attending it for a while and haven't been called upon to lead a prayer until today. I was asked to lead a prayer on behalf of the youth ( I started sweating bullets, I am still conquering the in front of a crowd thing, lol). I am one of the "youth leaders" because for some reason the youth come to me with the things they won't go to anyone else about. I think its because I am honest about everything with them and I won't judge them. So when I led the prayer I asked God to teach us and show us how to love them ALL and show us how to reach them. Not just the ones who listen and attend Sunday School and Youth Service faithfully, but those who live in an unsaved household, those who come in our doors with tattoos, wild color hair, piercings, those who are hurt and only know how to use anger to deal with their pain. I joined the youth ministry over a year ago as the one of the new youth secretary. It started out as an administrative role but slowly became more. The girls began to see me about questions and problems and the boys would come to me to get a big sister point of view. One of the elderly women told me that God is calling me to work with them because I have been where they have been and I want to help them and bring them to where they need to be. I never looked at it like that before. I always looked at it from the angle of why should they be lost if all they need is a hug, a shoulder to cry on, or even someone to take them shopping? Why can't I be the one to do it? One of my older girlfriends told me that ministry takes on all forms but the definition is the same: ministry is serving others. I hope that I can serve others everyday. Even if it's just when I give my seat on the train/bus for an elderly person or cover my co-workers lunch because they're short on funds, etc. That being said, ask yourself "Am I trying to serve others daily?".