Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Power of a Love Letter

I'm an old fashion girl in the sense that if you have something meaningful and/or passionate (not too passionate) to say to me that it should be said in a letter. Don't get me wrong, I want you to say it to my face as well but there is something amazing about making your thoughts and words immortal. Perfect example: I came across a book in Barnes & Noble (during one of my many book runs, I know I need help) called "Love Letters of Great Men" by Ursula Doyle. Not all of them were the most romantic but the fact that they communicated what was on their minds and hearts without fear gets to me. Everytime I watch Persuasion (both versions) I stopped breathing and listen to every word Frederick says to Anne in his letter. For him, that was it. He had to let Anne know everything, it was his last chance. He had no fear.
It brings to mind one of my favorite Bible verses that I always go back to: "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." (1 John 4:18). If Frederick didn't write Anne and let himself dwell on the past and being afraid, we wouldn't have know about their happy ending. If you have God, you have love, and if you have love you can't have fear because God hasn't given us a spirit of fear.
That being said, maybe its time to write a letter. Literally or figuratively. Maybe its time to do something that the Lord has laid on your heart, maybe its time share your testimony with someone who is going through the same thing you have been through. Maybe its time to open your heart to your future helpmate. You never know. If we keep fearing and hiding instead of living and loving the way God has intended for us we will never get anything done. When will you let God write you and love letter or vice versa?