Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Say What You Need to Say

"...fighting with the shadows in your head. Living in the same old moment, knowing you'd be better off instead; if you could only: Say what you need to say, say what you need to say..."
That John Mayer song always comes to mind when I think of the circumstances of a friend of mine potential friendship/relationship. I really don't know what to call it as of right now. I think everyone is confused of the standing. They rarely talk, barely text, but she likes him and he likes her. He knows she used to model and treats her like she isn't like everyone else; even though she would like for him to see her as such. It's funny to see them interact or the lack thereof and at the same time it's frustrating. I think the thing that irks her the most is that he confided in her best friend that he's interested in her and needs the best friends help in taking the next steps. I think they should start hanging out in a group setting since they both share mutual friends so he will become more comfortable around her and see what everyone else sees: she's a total nut! (lol). It's funny how things translate differently between men and women. She has let go and let God a long time ago and says if he's for her, than he's for her. I couldn't agree more. It makes no sense forcing something that isn't yours because in the end when its done you have to deal with the consequences. The funny thing is that everyone knows they belong together. We have to pray for boldness on his part so he can finally voice what he has been telling others to her.