Monday, February 15, 2010

After Careful Consideration.......

I decided that I will try and spend the remainder of the year single. And when I mean single that means:
1. No dates
2. No texting
3. No adding a new number to my phone if they are under the impression that something could happen
4. No flirting

I don't think it will be too hard; I just have to not look at the male species (especially europeans) as objects of hotness. I will just look but not really pay attention! I will keep you updating on this as it progesses.

Anywho.....Today I went dress shopping with Stacey. We found her dress! She looked so beautiful. I finally understand what they mean when they say that you know when you find your dress. She nearly made me cry (nearly).

The Valentine's Day Movie was cute. I actually thought it would suck (I am not a fan of modern day chick-flicks for some reason).

I have to go wash my hair so I talk to you later.