Thursday, February 18, 2010

Christina Hendricks on NY Magazine Cover

OMGosh! I love Christina Hendricks! I don't watch Mad Men (please forgive me, I am not really a drama series person if its not CSI). Anyway, I normally fall in love with celebs based on their dressing if I don't know their acting caliber. That being said, I happened across Christina during award season and loved her pin up body.
In a sea of sickly celebs wondering who will pass out walking the red carpet; she stood out with her curves and red hair.....Sorry about the babbling. She is on the cover on New York Magazine and she looks amazing!!!! I love the fact that women can have curves and be successful. I mean, do you want to look like a pre-pubescent boy until your 50? I remember when I was growing up getting breasts and hips meant you were becoming a woman; I was so excited! Nowadays, they fight it and starve themselves to fit into sample sizes that can easily be made bigger if people took a stand. SMH. But I digress; Christina, you look amazing. Keep it up. Here interview can be found here.

image source: newyorkmagazine