(Sigh)....I am rereading Pride & Prejudice and I have to say I absolutely love it! The language, the descriptions make me what to just run away. This of course did not help when I stared to watch the both Pride & Prjudice DVD's (BBC 1995 Version; Colin Firth, Jennifer Ehle), (US Version; Kiera Knightley, Matthew MacFadyen)
as well as both Persuasion DVD's (1995 Version; Amanda Root, Ciaran Hinds), (2007 ITV Version; Sally Hawkins, Rupert Penry Jones). When I was done I was a totally mush ball. I sighed and swooned at all the right parts and argued with the tv screen in the parts in between. My end result: I need to get a life! So that being said, I tell you Miss Austen: no man will ever hold a candle to Mr.Darcy or Captain Wentworth; and it's completely your fault! LOL. Well....maybe God might send me a guy that can write a love letter to rival Captain Wentworth....Until then, I'll reread his letter to Anne.