Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day & Happy Birthday Musings of a Quartlerlife!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day! The Love Dinner was a success! We catered to 80 people. My god-brother (who was th chef for the night) started his company called Infinity Catering. The table centerpieces  consists of willows in glass vases surrounded by stones, tea lights and Hershey's kisses (lol). It was extremely tiring and fun. I slept in today and will meet with my friend Beatriz to see the Valentine's Day movie and a cheapy dinner, lol.
Also, it's Musings of a Quarterlife birthday! This blog is fairly new; but I am blessed that I can share my thoughts and musings with others. Hopefully this time next year I will covered more diverse topics and develop a huge follwing so we can share our musings with each other.