Wednesday, February 24, 2010

feeling back in my body, kthx.

Ohhhh my gosh I am so tired. I am so tired I would pass out in an alleyway. But not if there was any cats around or some shit. Ew. Bad experiences with cats.

But seriously I used allll my energy reserves I think. Started the day with work at 7am (ooh seems so long ago!) then went to the gym, then I went to my cousin's house. My cousin has two sons. One is almost two, the other is almost two months. They are both tremendously adorable, but, you know two kids under two can be hard work. So I decided to go keep my cousin company and maybe help out.

Thank God I went because I can't imagine how she would have survived the day by herself. Obviously everyday is tough but unfortunately today the baby had a sore tummy and criiiiied and criiiiied a lot. Oh, and the longest stretch of sleep lasted approximately 7 minutes. BY the time I left at 5 o'clock he had bags under his eyes and very red eyes. Completely over tired. Poor little thing. Awe. I wish I could have sprinkled magic dust all over him to put him into blissful slumber. Not for us to not hear crying, but for the poor thing to be able to relax.

Anyway then I came home. And then went for a 7km walk with intermittent jogging.
