Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm Going to Be Honest

The Lord has been dealing with me about a certain area of my life where I can truly say I lack faith in: my love life. I will be brutally honest with you: I have made many mistakes in my past and I don’t feel I should be given anything for it. I mean, I know who God has for me but it feels like I would be more of a hindrance to him that a helpmate. And I realize that thinking is preventing me from moving towards what’s mine. When God told Abraham he would be a Father of many nations and he was extremely old did Abraham say “no God, there seems to be some kind of error”? No. He believed; he didn’t question God or try to figure out God’s plan he just let go and let God. These days we seem to forget that God is still the God that can move mountains, part seas, heal you just on your faith alone. So why do we limit Him to what we can do? God is so much bigger than us, so let us not put Him in a box or try to figure out what His next move is or how we’re getting to our “promise land”.