Sunday, June 7, 2009

Perfecting Holiness- Day 7

“I’m pregnant with Purpose & Destiny”. Well that was the topic this morning spoken by our Youth Vice President Minister Dr. Karen DeLisle. She is such a humble, on fire, Woman of God. You can’t help but love her. God is going to have such a reward for her in heaven. The message this morning was a good one. She said that my cousin (the preacher in the making) and my other friend were pregnant with purpose & destiny. It’s so easy to see God moving in their lives. They can’t deny it. Sometimes I wonder if I have anything to do in God’s kingdom. I don’t want to be a prophetess, a preacher or minister, but I would like to know what job God has called me to. But I won’t fret or give place to the devil. I will wait for God to reveal it to me.