Thursday, June 25, 2009

Celebration of Life and Death of a King

Today is my cousins’ 26th birthday. She is going out on a hot date, lol. Well it’s not a date; they are meeting up for her birthday at The Olive Garden. I know that this time next year things will so different. My cousin and best friend will be married, my other best friend will be planning her marriage and where will I be? Hmm…. something to ponder. Today Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett died, while everyone is talking about their legacy I am wondering if they will be in heaven or hell. Time waits for no one; and it best to live each moment as if it’s your last. I want when its time to go that I regret nothing but thank God for everything……Well my vacation ends tomorrow and I will be at work starting Monday, so I will enjoy my last day off tomorrow.