Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm At A Lost

Okay, I am going to open up to you about this one thing that has been eating away at me for awhile. I was told from one of my brother that receives dreams who my spouse is supposed to be. I didn’t think much of it, but it was so weird that he describe this guy down to a T and never met him before. He had some follow up dreams to it, I received confirmation, but it feels like it is a lost cause. I received this word over a year ago and the relationship between me and this gentleman has moved from never speaking to each other to barely speaking to each other. To make things even more awkward, we are walking down the aisle together for my cousins and best friend wedding. I am not saying I want things to happen overnight, I am just not sure that I want something to happen. I don’t like being single at times, and I know that I can’t be single for the rest of my life but it feels like I won’t be good enough for him. He’s an anointed Man of God and I feel that I wouldn’t be what he needs. But that’s not how God see things right? He knows what He’s doing; after all He is a professional at this match making business. He places something in us that the other person would need to continue their walk together in Christ.