Monday, June 29, 2009

If You Just Realized What I Just Realized.....

I would have been the first to admit that I didn’t think anyone would miss me while I was on vacation, but I was wrong. I didn’t realize how much I was appreciated or better yet, how much I missed the job. I guess absence does make the heart grow fonder, lol. On Saturday, my girlfriend and I were talking about my past relationship and why it is a hindering block to my future one. We were discussing that my mind frame is still in the past and I need release to be able to look to the present. Thinking about it now, I couldn’t agree more. I am going to be honest: I have a problem with looking into the future. I know who I am supposed to be with; but I am afraid to see myself with them because I look at it as a hindering block. I remember God was dealing with me on that subject. Last week, I was twisting and turning and was upset when he popped into my head. Then God asked me why I couldn’t see myself with what he has given me? I mean, when we know we were getting a bike or a new gift as a kid or a new thing as an adult; we envision ourselves with it, thinking about how we will look with it, what we would do, etc. so why couldn’t I do it now? I realized while God had forgiven me about my past and placed it in the sea of forgetfulness; I have held on to it and turned it into my handicap.