Wednesday, June 10, 2009

No Words....

I am in so much pain right now! My tooth feels like it is slowly being ripped from my mouth. The sad thing is I have to wait and set up an appointment to get a root canal. I don’t want a root canal, I want it pulled! Any who, I am so exhausted; I am so ready to getaway ASAP! I want time for me to just relax and have time to talk to the Lord. It seems like I have no time at all. Last night we had a thunderstorm, the lightning woke up everyone! There was no way to deny you heard that. There’s a joke that God is angry when you hear lightning like that, and if that is the case than God is extremely angry with New York, lol. It’s probably because of all the bickering in Albany and this push to pass gay marriage in New York. SMH, I will not get into that today. Be blessed.