Saturday, June 27, 2009

Here Comes the Brides!

Today was actually fun! I have a lot of ideas for my cousins wedding (she asked me to be the planner and help her out because I know her like the back of my hand). It is so funny how quickly things are happening. One minute we think boys are ugly and have cooties, the next minute we can’t wait to find our help mate. In the midst of the entire wedding craze and the constantly telling all the vendors at the Expo that I am not a bride but a friend there for support, I found myself at peace with it all. Right now, it’s not my season for a relationship. I am in my winter season; things are dying and cold but it’s a season that must happen so I can get to spring. I know that when its time, its time; but right now I am content. That’s the best way you can be.