Saturday, May 16, 2009


"Hoping, praying;
I've been waiting, everybody needs somebody to love.
There's no question, straight from heaven;
You're an angel, I'm so crazy for you"- Godsend, DC Talk

Sigh.....I think everyone waits for the day that they meet the one that God has planned for them. To be able to say that God has assigned you to be my partner as I continue this walk in Christ has to be an awesome feeling! I see the Youth that are getting married this year and I thank God that they sought Him in their decisions; that they waited on Him for His confirmation. It isn't an easy process, believe me I know. You want to be 100% sure that God is in the relationship and this is who He has for you.....sigh....I wish it was a text book way for everyone but God doesn't work like that. He speaks to us different ways. So as I continue to seek Him and His direction in everything as well as this area; I pray you do the same.