Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Favorite Blogs

Every morning, it’s the same thing. I read my Daily Bread, read my Bible for the text that is in the Daily Bread, look up the verse in the Amplified and NIV version, and figure out what I am going to blog about while I read my favorite blogs. So, I decided to share them with you. I think it’s very hard to find a blog for our generation of Christians these days. Either they’re far left or far right. I am the kind of person who wants to read about how God affects your outlook on life, and everything in between. I am trying to figure out how to share everything because I feel that by me being open I might be able to help someone in the same situation as me. That being said let me list my favorite blogs and tell you why I love them. Hopefully you will share in the addiction with me. (They’re not listed in any order.)

1. The Scottish Wisdom (http://www/thescottishwisdom.blogspot.com)
I love this blog because of David’s (the blogger) hilarious topics as well as his blogs that make you think. David is a Christian (He’s a Bible School student) and a musician as well. It’s interesting to see what goes on in the mind of an artist.

2. Girly Girl (http://girlygirl.typepad.com/girly_girl)
This blog belongs to Kristin Billberbeck (author of The Ashley Stockingdale Series). She is a Christian Chick Lit writer, so in lame man terms: I LOVE HER! I love her sense of humor, her honestly about topics that happen in everyday America, I just love HER. The fact that she’s so open about everyday experiences, her minor shopping addiction, her kids, and her opinion of TV (especially American Idol) makes me like her so much more.

3. Bethany Dillon (http://bethanydillon.sparrowrecords.com; http://www.myspace.com/bethanydillonmusic)
Bethany is one of those rare, one of a kind people. You can’t help but love her.
From her music, you can tell she is love with God and wants to make music that shows that. Bethany’s blog is a funny, laid back type of journal. Its like she is talking to her friends and updating you on what you miss. (It’s not updated daily.)

4. Brooke Fraser (http://www.myspace.com/brookefraser; http://www.brookefraser.com/blog )
Okay, I will probably one day not love talking about her as much as I do now…but I highly doubt that. Any who, Brooke doesn’t blog daily. Her blog is more occasional and I like what she talks about. She talks about various topics: concerts she went to, her husband, writing her album, touring, etc.

5. Apricot Tea (http://apricot-tea.com)
Okay, this is the only secular blog I read. I like her blog because she’s a fashion addict like me. She talks about marriage, fashion, her family, experience, etc. She is honest and open about a lot of things. That’s why I like her.

6. Christa Ann Banister (http://christabanister.typepad.com/heythereitschrista)
Christa is another Christian Chick Lit writer (Around the World in 80 Dates & Blessed Are the Meddlers). She writes for magazines and gives reviews on movies and music. She makes you look forward to her blogs.

7. Erynn Mangum (http://www.erynnm.blogspot.com)
I love Erynn! She’s a Christian Chick Lit author that makes me excited that there’s someone out there who writes for Christians. Her humor is very much like mine and I love her characters. Any who, her blog is very hilarious! I love her sense of humor. She also throws in Bible verses, reflective thoughts, etc.