Friday, May 15, 2009

How Would You Write It?

If my life was a Jane Austen novel I would be married by now.....Yikes! I am 24 and that's approaching spinsterhood in those days. I can't help but wonder: what would my life be like if she wrote it? But since I have the most awesome writer in the whole world (God) writing my story; it can't get any better. Don't you agree? God is the best writer because He already knows how its going to end way before it begins. Plus, there are no cliff hangers. It has an amazing beginning, middle, and ending. He's the ultimate writer so no one can do it better. I remember reading "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric & Leslie Ludy and I have to say it opens your eyes. We let God write every aspect of our life story but we don't want to trust Him to write the one story that He should definitely have a part in.