Friday, May 1, 2009

Some People Aren't Meant for Main Roles

Another month begins and I find myself in the same place: wondering what would be my next move; who will be entering my life and who will be leaving it. I remember when I first realized that I was holding onto people who weren’t meant to be part of my life anymore. I looked at it liked this: I was giving lead roles to supporting actors and extras. Makes you think about things differently right? If we really evaluated the relationships in our lives and asked God for His direction with each one, I assure you that there would be at least one person that would need to go. That being said, I am in that position myself. I have people in my life that are on their way out and I wouldn’t have been able to part from them if it wasn’t for the Lord who strengthened me and encouraged me. It won’t be easy, but it will be so worth it down the line.