Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bon Appetit!

I am in a serious cooking mood. I am going to cook up a storm this weekend! I just got this recipe from a coworker of mine for salmon and I am so excited its sad, lol. I love to cook, I find it relaxing. I think that the fact I am a wonderful dresser and chef makes me even cooler (not to mention I am a total geek, lol). I have a magazine called Bon Appetit, it has the coolest recipes and now that I am going to start eating healthy (my family is vegetarians) I have to find healthier habits. So now that I will try to eat healthier (try being the key word) I will try to get some exercise in as well. I haven’t gone jogging since last year! I know, its bad. Just keep the prayer there. Lol.