Saturday, March 13, 2010

We Can Never Be Friends.....?

"You realize of course that we could never be friends"- Harry Burns (When Harry Met Sally, 1989)

This movie is one of my favorites, it is absolutely hilarious! I have been thinking about this subject for a while and with my rap sheet I think it might be true. Once I got out of my akward all-arms and legs phrase and started to actually look and act like a girl; my friendship with all my guy friends into a new extremely level. Imagine being the one that know your guy friend like the back of your hand and they think your "hot" because you finally developed curves and you actually started to curl your hair, lol. That being said you can understand how I went from all my best friends being guy friends to having one. I have guy friends but I keep them at arms length since that all seem to want to date me. Being a girl that loves action and horror movies, football, basketball, eating junk food and just hanging out is a win-lose situation. So now as I get in contact with a lot of my former best friends via Facebook; I have to pose the question: can male and females who are or once were attracted to each other just be friends? Can we intentionally form a friendship without having the dreaded "where is this going" talk? It seems like EVERYONE wants to be in a relationship when they find out they have something in common. I know that relationships first start from friendship but can the relationship just be a friendship and nothing more?