Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Weekend to Relax

Stacy, Atoya and I woke up early Saturday morning to look for Stacy's wedding dress. While getting up that early was not on the top of my list for the weekend, the fun we had was worth it. We went to Clinton Hill and DUMBO to check out dresses and did a little site seeing. I think I might consider being a Brooklynite again. Our day included a sushi restaurant (even though I could only have tofu and sweet potatoes because of the Daniel's Fast) and hanging around the DUMBO area site seeing before I had dance rehearsal with the girls. Today ended the fast and I am so happy to see that I have seen so many changes in my life and those who were partaking in the fast. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good. Be blessed.

Atoya & Stacy

Stacy & Me