Monday, March 1, 2010

Experience the Glory

We have our theme for our Youth Convention: "Experience the Glory". It is taken from Haggai 2:9: "The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts." (KJV). I like the theme, but it really had me thinking: have we really EXPERIENCED God's Glory? I feel that lately (speaking for myself here) we have put God on a time schedule. We speak to Him when we have the time and we want God to move when we feel. The problem with that? how many times did I mention "we"? God is God all by Himself; He doesn't need us and He won't be any more or any less with us there or absent. It's time to let God be God; to work our schedule around Him. Why can't we just let go and let God? Is it really that hard? I was thinking about how the church has lost its power lately. You hear more about being politically correct instead of going by what God has laid down as law......sigh. Maybe its just me, but I would like God to move like He did in the old days. He is still the same God but are willing to let Him be that? I'm going on the Daniel's Fast again next Sunday and I am so excited. The fast last year gave me so much strength spiritually to deal with what happened down the year. I know that I have to give up coffee (I can do it...) and no carbonated drinks, sugar, meats, preservatives, etc. but the end result will so be worth it. Some of the young women will be fasting as well and we will be praying corporately about some situations. One of the things we will be praying about is power and anointing; something a lot of us have been lacking lately. Also, strengthening of our gifts....there's so much to say on this but I feel like I rambled on enough. Be blessed.