Sunday, March 7, 2010

When Nothing Satisifies You.....

The song has been playing in my head all day. I guess its because I realize I'm at a crossroad: I am wondering where do I go from here? or even better where is God leading me? The feeling of being led blindly in the next chapter of my life is a sore understatement. But the good thing is that I'm not alone; I am not leading myself but being led by God. Also, many, many people have been in my place so I know the saying "been there, done that" will be told to me over and over. So the question now is not what is the next step but how can I encourage myself and others in the same situation as me. It's simple: I'll say that you can't go wrong when you go God's way. It's not easy, and it never goes as planned (that's for another blog entry) but it can't go wrong or be bad if God is in the midst of it. Today is the beginning of my Daniels Fast and I decided their will be a lot of things I will be laying before the Lord and bringing before Him in prayer. Also I didn't forget my promise to Stay Single for the Rest of the Year!  I'm excited for what the fast will reveal and do in my life. I'll keep you guys updated. Be blessed.