Friday, March 12, 2010

What I'm Reading: A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman

I don't know where to begin. I found out Julie Lessman from a review she did on another book.  I googled her and the rest was history. I finally received all of her The Daughters of Boston books (there's 3 of them) and started  my first book Tuesday. Can I say absolutely amazing!!?!!??!! I'm not done yet but I can't help but tell others about it. I love the characters, the plot and the way she is so real about the emotions of the characters. She doesn't sugar coat it and make it extremely cheesy and romantic and she ties the word of God into it in a way that I don't feel like I'm about to go to sleep. I am normally not a fan of Christian Historical Fiction but between her and Siri Mitchell (Love her!) I might end up getting more books from this genre. It takes place in 1916 Boston during World War 1. The first book is about the oldest sister Faith.........that's all I'm telling you. There are so many dips and turns and twists so far I can't even imagine how it will end. That being said, I am very anxious to get back to the book; it is seriously awesome. Be blessed.