I'm not sure what was the most exciting: the piano being on fire and emitting fireballs; the costume changes; seeing her in many of the iconic costumes I've previously admired; the chanting crowd and sea of monster claws; the numerous set-changes (from car-yard to subway to enchanted forest to the monster ball to the generally incredible bad romance finale - amazing); or simply being in Her presence.
I've never been more excited in the lead-up to a concert, never. Even with hardcore obsessions like Tegan and Sara or Placebo. Like I was excited for those, but I have been listening to Gaga continuously for the past week and have had to suppress very public surges of emotion. While listening to my iPod I would suddenly squeal with excitement, try to suppress it, then try not to giggle at myself. I sounded like two screeching cats fucking. I imagine.
Anyway. She rocked that shit. I was speechless. I want her to take a bite of my bad girl meat. I want to cherry cherry boom boom her. Yeah, I don't know, I'm flustered thinking about it and ran out of lyrics. Her voice is phenomenal, the stage set-up was incredible (sometimes, randomly, she would just disappear into the floor and come out in a new costume), and she was very sweet and funny. Lady Gaga, I monster claw you.
Like I said though, one of the most spine-tingling things for me was the fact that she wore so many highly recognisable outfits. My photos kinda suck and are just of the screen anyway, but I prefer doing it this way anyway. These are just some of the outfits she wore last night as shown in high-profile situations where she has worn them previously + some pics at the end of what the show was like:
ALSO FROM THE TELEPHONE VIDEO. You can't really see it here, but obviously you can just go and watch it. She has a couple of variations of this dress but I think it was the one from the vid because it had the same bottom silhouette. Amazing.
Outfit from the Jonathan Ross show. Complete with the CUSTOM-MADE/DESIGNED ARMANI PRIVE SHOES/STILTS. I can't believe she was able to move in them. She needed help up the steps though. Awe-inspiring.
This is one of my faves. Love it. Love love love.
Now... I may be high and imagined it but I'm pretty sure she came out in the rotating circly things for the finale. Mind. Blown. She wore this on SNL if I remember correctly (and I think I do).
THE TRANSFORMING DRESS. I'm assuming it is Hussein Chalayan since he introduced this groundbreaking concept? Or maybe just inspired by him. Either way, incredible. It fanned in and out around her head, grew wings, and the train contracted in and out also. Then she walked to the middle of the sage (like, the part that extends into the audience) and the floor rose and rose and she just stood there while the dress moved, elevated amongst the crowd. Breathtaking.
Ok this is a pic of the opening number outfit/stage set-up. Yes, there is a keyboard in the back of that car.
SHE WORE THE EXPLODING BRA!!!! I swear, at this point I nearly died. I have watched the much music video where she debuted the bra about a million times, utterly transfixed. Imagine what it was like live + music. Dead.
This was probably the highlight of the night. Ok, one of many. Wearing boots higher and spikier than these, she got up on her piano stool and played the piano standing up. In heels. On a stool. Bent all the way over. At one point she even involved her foot in the piano-playing process. I thought she would fall. And then she didn't and I marveled and loved her even more. If possible.
I want to go back. I want to know her, without shattering the image of her in my mind. I want to hug her. And I want to go to another show again, asap. Because she is the greatest performer I've ever seen, or even imagined. Love.