Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Am Now A Four-Eye Card Carrying Member

I got my glasses yesterday after work. It feels a little weird but I can see so clearly. Today is my first day in them and I was actually a little nervous. This is an idea of how they look. They are actually yellow and blue (I know, wacky color choice). I didn't want a pair of boring black or brown frames. I wanted a pair that reflected me: unconvential and funky. I think we found a match. My boss doesn't like them; she thinks I should wear contacts. If that's the case she can put them in for me every morning and take them out at night. I am not a fan for poking myself in the eye or putting anything near my eye for that matter (you should have seen how long it took me to get used to eye liner, lol). But I digress, I am also looking at a pair of navy Burberry glasses with pyramid studs going doen the sides! They are so awesome that I want them now! I'll try and find the picture to post, they're so hot!
