Thursday, March 18, 2010


Last Saturday, the S.En.S.E. (Sister Encouraging Sister in Excellence) Ministry had a seminar on waiting. It was pretty good. The topic drifted to what to do when you are actually waiting for the one God has for you and the spotlight ended up on my cousin and I.  I never really looked at it as we are the actual living examples to the younger girls we mentor. I mean, I am there when they have questions and I share parts of my past experience so they will not make the same errors; but to know that they are watching EVERYTHING  I do especially in this area makes it very unnerving. As I started to think about it and wondered what could I say with my actions realizing that my actions don't just effect me but the young eyes that are watching me I came to this conclusion: I don't mind waiting and doing it God's way. Just for the fact that I can show them that in this day and age there are still people waiting on God's timing and aren't "playing around" until then. When I look at it from that view, it makes it even more worth it. I want to be able to say "I did it, and so can you".