"Everybody’s been there everyone’s the same
but mostly we don’t care isn’t that a shame
We bring us down face after face
the inside is beautiful but the outside we want to change.
We want to change.
Whoa you’re oh so beautiful, you don’t need anyone’s approval
You’ve got to believe in your self you know you are
You’re crazy beautiful"
-Crazy Beautiful, Chasen

I couldn't figure out what part of the song I wanted to quote so I quoted most of the song. I am seeing that this a constant issue: trying to be someone we're not; fitting the mold instead of being who God has intended us to be. It must hurt God for us to tell Him you made a mistake when you made me. In the modeling business, I was a mess. I tried to lose weight, grow my hair out or cut it off, do this and do that and all it did was leave my empty and confused. I didn't find myself attractive when I reached a healthy size 4 and I wanted to be anyone but me. But when I hit 23 I realized that I couldn't change what was in me: a free spirited, fashion loving, curvy, Jane Austen addict, who wishes she was born in the 1940's. I like my gamine haircut and won't grow my hair out because that's what people want. I like funky things and different things; and if that makes me stand out so what? I won't blend in or fit the cookie cutter mold. I am me; and I won't change for anyone..........
That being said, I absolutely love Jenna Lyons. She's the Creative Director for my guilty pleasure also know as J.Crew. She was snapped in Aspen by Garance Dore. She looked so effortlessly chic that it should be a crime, lol. Loving the Chanel bag.
images source: garance dore