Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jane Austen, I Apologize on Behalf of Humanity

Someone always tries to ruin a good thing, but in Jane Austen's case a great thing. I love Jane Austen's novels, they are amazing and well written. If you go to Barnes and Noble's website you will find over 2,565 books that are in relation to Miss Austen.....and this is where my rant begins. Now I know people can't leave well enough alone but this is ridiculous. First it started out with sequels: Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife, Captain Wentworth's Diary, etc. etc. etc. I haven't read all of them but the sequel I did read was.....umm....shall we say I won't be discussing it in Bible School, lol. There are also books that tie in with Jane Austen like Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict, Me & Mr. Darcy, Austenland, etc. etc, etc. Those aren't so bad. But I draw the line at Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, Sense & Sensibility & Sea Monsters, Emma and the Werewolves and Pride & Prejudice & Zombie: Dawn of the Dreadfuls. Not to mention that they have graphic novels to go with these horrid titles! I am going to form a protest! A book burning if need be!!!!!!! If this continues, I don't know what will happen. What if these titles become movies?!!!? God forbid!!!! I am over-reacting? I mean, Jane Austen was an awesome write that inspired some of our great writers today. To take a novel and degrade it in such a way.....words can't even describe how I feel. Maybe my sugar is low and I am being cranky; I don't know......