Monday, March 22, 2010

Clean Up, Clean Up, Everybody Clean Up....

This week is the last week of the Daniel's Fast. The last week my cousin and I decided we will bring very specific things before the Lord: of living situations, relationships, jobs, etc. This week I feel like things are going to change for the better (for everyone). I'm home today (have been since Thursday) and it feels good to be on vacation. I am actually dreading going back but I am absolutely bored. I have decided to shift around the contents of my room. Which at the time sounded like a genius idea until I realized how many magazines I own and how little space I have;  mind you I have no closets or shelves in my room so its pretty much making the most of the floor as possible, lol. I'm not done yet but its too late to continue on.
 I'll finish tomorrow. My dream bedroom is below:

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