Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Top 10 Fav Songs- September 2009

My Song List this month has a lot of new faces. I think that it’s because of Elevate. I think that this is it:

1. Ayeisha Woods- Love Like This
I have just discovered Ms. Woods and I absolutely love her! Her R&B sounds and amazing lyrics have put her on my new favs list!

2. Britt Nicole- Set the World On Fire
The song talks about asking the Lord to use her to make such a difference in the world that they world gets set on fire! How awesome is that? To be used by God in such a mighty and awesome why. If God uses me to set one person on fire, I am grateful and truly humble because He saw it fit to use me; but the world? Wow. That is an amazing request.

3. Barlow Girl- I Need You to Love Me
This is an oldie but goodie. I love the honest expression of the song. It makes me think.

4. Israel & New Breed- To Worship You I Live (Away)
An amazing worsip song! I want to praise dance to this asap! It is so beautiful and so true. We were created to seek that closer relationship with God and to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

5. Hillsong United- Lead Me to the Cross
OMGosh! I love this song! We sang it at Elevate and it was such an amazing experience. I really love the chorus: "Lead me to the cross, where Your love poured out. Bring me to my knees, Lord I lay me down. Rid me of myself, I belong to You. So lead me, lead me to the cross." Absolutely amazing!

6. JoAnn Rosario- When I Enter Your Rest
I first heard this song at a concert in the acoustic, bilingual version. It was lovely. So after tracking down the song and playing it until I learned every word. It reminds me of a psalm. When we enter His rest; every hurt, pain, sadness disappears. We become strong because we are suroounded by Him.

7. Michael W. Smith- All In The Serve
This song is so old! Lol. It's from a movie that came out awhile ago called "Second Chance". I was so happy when I found this song. It's catchy, uplifting and still speaks to the Lord. Its about having the Lord work on us and in us until what we do is for Him and its only about serving.

8. The Letter Black- Hanging On By A Thread
NEW BAND ALERT! This band is fronted by a lady (love it!), and they are on my "Going to hear more from" list. The band is straight rock, which I happen to love and the led vocals make it even better. The song talks about needing to be saved because they're hanging by a thread. I know I have been there and I definitely can relate.

9. Toby Mac- I’m For You
I love Toby Mac. It's not because he's 1/3 of my favorite band EVER (DC Talk) but because he offers the music that makes your feel good and still uplifts Christ. His music isn't compromised but still gets the message across. This song is tying as my favorite Toby Mac song (Made to Love is my all-time fav); the lyrics, music, etc. is awesome.

10. David Crowder Band- How He Loves
This song is off of the bands new album "Church Music". The song makes me think back to the old worship experience that used to be brought on by the hymns. That music can make me feel like I'm talking straigh from my heart. This song reminds us of how God loves us and How awesome and strong His love is for us.

I hope you guys like my selection. Be blessed.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

disney couture

oh hai these are some pretty jewelleries I would like thx:

Disney couture Pocahontas necklace. It is a compass inside!

DC Lumiere necklace!!! My favourite. MAJOR, MAJOR WANT.

DC Treasure Chest ring. Wish it fit me.

Pretty DC Tinkerbell pearl necklace. I already have the silver cut-out crawling Tinkerbell, but this is also amazing.

Also, list of some things I would want, but already have (thus making me very happy):
- watermelon/pineapple frosty fruit
- at least two trashy tabloid mags (today Grazia and Famous made the cut. Tomorrow must get Ok though because the new one comes out on Friday, so mustn't miss out).
- some time off from uni and no essays due til October 30th.
- trip away from Sydney next week. Ok so it's just Wagga but it's AWAY. And I get to see Erin. And get drunk. And sleep in a dorm!
- an opportunity to see my cousin's baby. He will be spending the next two days at my aunty's house which is just around the corner so I will finally get to hang out with him again.


P.S. One non-yay: really would like my left wrist to stop being in agonising pain. It hurts very much. And having it bandaged helps but is annoying. Fix yourself, wrist! Or else.

Kumar Gaurav's Daughter Saachi Walked the Ramp, While Younger Sis Siya Cheered

Kumar Gaurav's daughter Saachi walked the ramp at a fashion store at Khar. Cheering her were mom Namrata, aunt Priya Dutt and younger sis Siya. Debutant actor Daebuu Banerjee, Mithun Chakraborty's nephew, was also present.


Namrata, Priya Dutt and Siya

Daebuu Banerjee, Mithun Chakraborty's nephew

Kumar Gaurav is married to Namrata Dutt, daughter of legendary actors Sunil Dutt and Nargis and sister of actor Sanjay Dutt.He has two daughters. They are Saachi and Siya Kumar.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Phone, Yes. But Smart...?

Those of you who follow me like hawks on Twitter (the many, many people who are all up in my @AcroRaven junk) know that I found a convenient excuse to make the plunge into so-called smart-phone territory. I coyly tweeted from the purchase, "no, not THAT smartphone," thereby piquing the curiosity of the entire nation. Well, Nation (I will someday be Colbert's body double), peek at this. That's what I done and got myself. And so far, I'm pretty happy about it.

Ironically enough, it's actually a much better phone-phone than the last I had. The sound quality's better, the overall ergonomics: entirely better. So I feel non-silly about that. And I have to admit that the purchase has me on some much better habits of communication so far. Something about being alerted to incoming emails keeps me vigilant about sending them back out, and that leads to better communication and more things getting done. It also lends itself to more things being on my plate at a time, of course, but that's rather what I was asking for when I joined this technological demographic, idn't it? That and, naturally, endless Sudoku puzzles.

Friend Sarah and I have occasionally exchanged emails about a collaborative theatre project that addresses information and communication technologies and what effects they've had on our behavior. The irony of this is that Sarah lives in San Diego, and frankly the only reason we can begin to contemplate such a collaboration is because of the devices that have developed in the past five years for exactly this type of communication. I have a rather love/hate relationship with the new forms, particularly with regard to how they've influenced theatre, but there's no escaping their relevance. We can outright deny them, sure, and there's value in that approach, but frankly I'm enamored of them all. The prospects of Google Wave are exciting to me, I must confess. Would I rather sit in the same room as people, read their faces and experience their energy (or be aware of a lack of it) first hand? Yes, a thousand times. Yet I also get a charge out of being connected to friends and collaborators in Pennsylvania, California and the United Kingdom.

Now I am a giant leap closer to being entirely plugged in to the "ambient awareness" of which so many write. I can let anyone who may be listening know where I am and what I'm doing in great detail at the very moment of my existence. I've done a bit of this, but frankly, I can;t keep up the way others do. If I tweeted and Facebooked-it as much as others, I'm not sure I'd actually be accomplishing anything else. Yet many do, and I suppose I envy them a bit. perhaps I'll get better at this whole thing with time, but I'm not certain that I want to get better at it. I rather like having this many choices about how I communicate with folks, but the choice itself is defeated if it gets to the point at which I'm serving the mode, rather than the mode serving me. So in spite of my recent acquisition, people will still be hearing from me in person quite a bit. In fact, I rather miss the days when it was a little more socially acceptable to show up at a friend's door. Now such a surprise would be considered rather creepy by all sorts of otherwise friendly and open people.

I know someone who had this advice for his child upon her moving to New York: YCNYDLNYCY. That translates into, "You change New York; don't let New York change you." (I wonder if he ever sent this advice via text?) It's a fairly inspiring bit of caring wisdom, and can easily be applied to all sorts of information-technology applications. (I'm tempted to type YCHTMLDLHTMLCY [and so I have] but I don't really know what I'd be saying with it.) It's impossible to deny, however, that the relationships in any case are utterly reciprocal, if not nigh symbiotic. We can't change anything without it changing us right back, and we're not adrift in a world that is rapidly dehumanizing us, nor one that is creating splendid multi-cultural interconnectedness, either. As thinking, feeling, viscerally connected creatures, we are engaged in this dialogue and responsible for every aspect of it. I embrace that, to my modest capability, and with a little luck it will help me to create with a little more truth, a little more connection.

K thx bai.

Throwing Me For A Loop

I don’t know anymore. I get content with one thing and next thing you know; it changes. I really think God has a really weird sense of humor sometimes. I think He just looks down and entertains Himself with us sometimes. Seriously, I don’t think that but it feels like it occasionally. I am going Wednesday to check out Brasserie 44, View in Times Square Marriot Marquise, JoJo, and Montenapo. I am so excited. I am going to be 25! I am so blessed! God is so good and I feel like I am constantly saying that but it’s true.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Are You Ready To Serve?

Today I stayed home for morning service because my cousin stayed home with my aunt as well. I was talking to one of my younger brothers in Christ on Facebook because he mentioned in his status that he was lonely. I told him if you really look at it your not. Of course he didn’t agree to I shared with him what the Lord revealed to me: relationships, friendship & marriage are all ministries. You serve and are served; if you feel you are ready to be in a relationship or get married ask yourself if you are ready to minister everyday while you’re with them. When he looked at it like that he said he wasn’t ready so I told him to ask God to show you where you lack. I realize that everyone wants to be in a relationship so that they have someone.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I Can Rest Easy

So Berlinda didn’t tell me anything horrible like fire & brimstone will fall on me or anything like that, lol. She just told me that God has so much planned for me and that I will know what its like to commune with Him! I will not lie; I am actually anxious and excited. I had to miss out on intercessory prayer because my aunt’s arthritis was acting up really bad and my cousin needed help with her. Keep her in prayer; I believe God is going to heal her. Any who; I ended up frying up some steaks with her and talking to her to keep her mind off of the pain. I feel that the only way you can help someone is to serve them. To assist them in the time of need; when they need an extra hand. Don’t you agree? Yesterday we went to the Christian Church of Jamaica (a Spanish speaking church) for their English service during their Youth Campaign. It was a blessing! Lately a lot of churches have been talking to their Youths about turning on their lights. It’s time for us to burn bright and burn unashamed.

Friday, September 25, 2009

So Nervous!

I told you earlier that the Lord gave a word to a friend of mine and she will tell me tonight. I am the type of person that goes through everything with a fine tooth comb to figure out if I am missing something that He is trying to tell me. Is He going to tell me to focus just on Him and seek Him more? Stop being distracted? Desire only Him? Stop entertaining things and thoughts that aren’t in His will for me? I could literally post a blog with a list of things I think He would tell me. The question remains: was He trying to talk to me and I wasn’t looking? Was He trying to show me something that I wasn’t seeing? Let us ask ourselves that question today and see what God reveals the question to be. Be blessed.


Dropped by Expatriate Younce on Google Reader. Thereby making my day 1000% better.

Lujo y Locura

James Morrison y su voz son uno de mis vicios favoritos. Reviendo sus videos, volví a asombrarme con Wonderful World.
En esta oportunidad nos regala un manicomio fashionista.
En un maníaco desfile de ostentosos trajes de baño, capelinas blancas y maxi gafas, su guitarra rompe el silencio.
Las enfermeras reparten la píldora de la moda, y las pacientes juegan a ser cuerpos inertes e indiferentes ante su canción.
Mientras siluetas sinuosas adornan la locura de un parque verde, una desenfrenada protagonista se deshace a saltos en una habitación.
...Ellas si saben enloquecer con estilo.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

MUST FOLLOW: Extraño y Hermoso

Particularmente sencillo, este solista juega con la excentridad, y asume su papel de intelectualoide.

Su look pulcro y preciso, acompaña excepcionalmente a sus videos, caracterizados por imágenes de color bohemio y melodías efímeras, casi como si uno pudiera percibir cada nota con las manos.

Para escuchar en un viaje, largo camino a casa. Para sentirse nostálgico. Para añorar lo que aún no llegó... escuche Aqualung.

PH: google images

Oh Boy......

I was talking to my cousins today during our usual 12:00 noon conference call and I found out that the Lord gave Berlinda a word for me. Can you say extremely nervous! I know the first reaction should be a good one but I am not the type of person that wants God to talk to me (whether it’s good or bad) in front of people. We will see.

huna. robsten. hairz.

First and foremost, I want Huna to return. Well, I guess my main wish is for her to have a rad time while doing herself some right mischiefs (sp?) in L.A. And then come home soon. And then regale me with her hilarious and brilliant and unbelievable and probably, let's face it, delinquent adventures. Today I felt the pangs of missing you more than ever. No snide comments during the gender lecture, no pants being set on fire, no lazing in the sun after. And most importantly, nobody to keep me sane and remind me to stop being needy and pathetic.

Love you <3

On a more superficial note, I would like magazines to NOT use photoshopped images of Rpattz/KStew when attempting to 'prove' that they are a couple. I read (on average) 5 magazines a week and at least 3 gossip websites daily. Do not insult my intelligence with crappy photoshop. This is two pictures.

And finally, I want my hair long. Like this. I am currently in the awkward growing-out stage. UUUUGH.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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Trying Not to Harden My Heart

I believe that we have to keep ourselves and our hearts until God gives us the blessing to open up to the person that He has for us. The hardest thing I’m facing now is trying not to push people so far away or keep them at arms length. I don’t know. It’s definitely a test of having faith and exercising faith during this season of waiting. But the keeping oneself will so be worth it later down the line. To be able to look at the one that God intends for you and say I waited while I was worked on for you; will be awesome.

things that will make me feel more right tonight

Because I do not feel quite right (as one would infer from my blog title) there are some things that I want/need (second blog maybe) that I think would help. Maybe they wouldn't, but we can't know that for sure.

- sleep. This is obv a possibility I'm just not ready yet. I get to sleep in tomorrow, it would be ridiculous to waste that.
- a celebrity puzzle book. I just finished the Woman's Day (shuddup) crossword/starburst/find-a-word in 20 minutes.
- Guitar Hero 5 to fucking man up. I only played like 5 songs before the shit freaked out and froze. Oh well. At least I'll have the memories. Nothing below 95% tonight wooo! (do you think it's telling the game fucked up during 'sex on fire'?)
- air con.
- slurpee.
- some kind of sedative, I am all a-flutter.
- for the download of lady gaga's acoustic version of paparazzi at the chapel (thankyou jessie) to fucking work so I can put it on my 'ultimate pop that I like in September' cd*.
- to listen to said cd while reading Frankie on my bed listening to the storm.

I am going to do the last 2 things now. And tomorrow I am going to watch (500) days of summer OR the young victoria. Will decide laterz.

love love love xo

* suggestions welcome.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Breaking Free

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”- 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

It’s time to break free and rejoice in the freedom that only comes from Jesus. We need to embrace the fresh start we have and allow God to use us for His glory. A new chance and a do-over have been given to us. Its time now to live as God will have us, no the way we want to anymore. Aren’t you excited? It’s a chance to do it right, we have a manual to help us at that, lol. The Bible stands for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (by the way, that reminds me of my favorite Burlap to Cashmere song “Basic Instructions”). I feel like I’m rambling, lol. But seriously, it’s a whole lot easier when you have a manual for life; think about it.

In Defense of the Small Theatre

A popular phrase in the theatre addresses the generally accepted philosophy of a regularly working actor: There are no small parts; merely small actors. I confess to you now -- I have not even a small idea what this is supposed to mean. It has been quoted at me my entire life, and I have gone from bafflement to frustration and back again pondering the ambiguity of the saying. (Most theatre traditions seem intentionally ambiguous; the Freemasons have nothing on us.) Does it mean the actor that worries over the size of his or her part is a small-minded individual? Does it mean a part comes across as small only when the actor lacks sufficient panache with which to fulfill it? Does it in fact mean, "Listen kid: Ya' gotta start somewheres..."? (My theatre-authority inner-voice always sounds like a cigar-chomping box-office manager from the '40s Bronx.) I smile, and accept, and usually think, Well, at least so-and-so's using theatre terms, so the form can't quite be on its dying gasp...

This weekend past I had the opportunity to see two shows, which inevitably invites comparison. One was rather modest in scale, the other a hugely financed Broadway play, transplanted from London. Now, these are not forces I consider to be in any sort of opposition to one another. Are Broadway shows a threat to regional theatre? God, no. Does regional theatre stand for some kind of principle against big-budget shows? Nope. So why am I writing about them together? What on earth could the Electric Theatre Company's production of The Dining Room have to do with Donmar Warehouse's of Hamlet?

Apart from both plays dealing with the passing of a way of life in some larger sense, very little. My comparison comes from a feeling of renewed appreciation for more intimate theatrical settings. It's very convenient, of course, for me to favor smaller theatres. ETC is where I do most of my work, after all, with its 99ish seats and relatively low-ceilinged performance space. Amor fati, as they say. Yet my appreciation of the venue in general goes beyond that, to much more objective criteria. I have to admit that the budgets are paper thin, the productions can be rocky and unrewarding as often as they are surprisingly professional and transportive -- this is the smaller theatre. Nothing is tried and true, not even the occasional Neil Simon imperative. I even love circus, and would like nothing more than to rig up ETC with trapezes and silks and slides, and it ain't gonna happen any time soon. Broadway can do that. I've seen it. Broadway can spend thousands of dollars on textured paint alone.

My biggest complaint about the production of Hamlet is one I would normally quickly let go of: to wit, the set. Who cares, right? Hardly the focus of any serious lover of Shakespeare. Yet it especially bothered me for its grandiose melancholy. The set was essentially very minimal: Virtually no furniture, except for moments when modest thrones were brought out on a small platform, and all was on stage level, except when a few panels were removed to accommodate the grave-digging scene. Huge, granite-looking castle walls ascend on all three sides of the playing area, with a similarly grandiose door at the back. The trouble with all this, as I saw it, was that it felt to me like the play was being dwarfed by gloomy nothingness. They achieved some very nice visual moments with snowfall outside the door, and shafts of light or the odd curtain, but for the most part the minimalism and darkness served not to aid the story but to point up how out of place such a human drama felt as it took place in a giant theatre. I would have loved to see the exact same show...only closer.

In The Dining Room, A.R. Gurney winds his exceedingly clever, heartfelt and economical way through various stages of dining room culture in America. The play is a standard, really, of theatre departments and regional theatres -- very accessible and good for a small cast. I performed in a shortened version myself in high school, one of the first shows I did there. The ETC production was very good, honoring all the humor notes and serious moments with equitable specificity without losing touch with the audience, nor playing it too out. What struck me the most about the show, however, was how inviting it felt. Hamlet worked rather hard at making us feel that we were involved in the action -- starting off with an image of a mourning Hamlet alone (or with us) in the middle of that huge stage, keeping him close to the proscenium throughout and even going so far as to put us on Polonius' side of the curtain for his eventual murder. Hamlet wanted us involved, but had to fight for it. Dining Room had us involved simply because we felt we were in the same room.

I am not saying that a theatre being small in scale or structure is a virtue unto itself. The theatre created there still needs to be and do good for its community, and certainly Broadway has to power to influence a far greater (in size, that is) community than any regional outfit. However, comparing these close experiences have allowed me to formulate a theory of which I'm fond. It's widely proposed that live theatre is dead or dying, and I can see many an example to support this belief. I don't believe it, personally, because I believe live theatre will always exist for humanity in some form or other as a part of what defines it. (That, and because I remain unmoved by the argument that "fiscally nonviable" equates to death.) However, there's little use in denying that theatre is rather unappreciated by the majority, at least as compared to its former glories. It is sad, for those of us who love and respect it, to see that our love is rare, but rare it is. We'll always be engaged in some degree of uphill battle to let theatre live. I acknowledge that struggle, the Sisyphean CPR, if you will.

Here is my theory: In this state of affairs -- and I doubt very much this is the first time theatre has had to widely fight for its right to party -- what matters most, what makes the most difference and does the best things for people, is so-called small theatre. There is where you'll feel your life changed. There is where a show fulfills its full potential, and where the dialogue really matters to all involved. Yes, there's every possibility that you'll be bored out of your mind or not believe in a moment of it, and that horrible risk is not levied at all by spectacular effects or the relative proximity of movie stars. But if you remember what it feels like to be opened up by a story, if you weigh the risk against the possibility, small theatre is the best bet. The possibilities in a space of a hundred or so are thousands of times greater than in a space of thousands. There is no small act of theatre, only small responses to it. In short (har har), small theatre is really, really damn important.

I'm thrilled to realize that.

Zayed Khan With Wife Mallaika and Son Zidaan at Sanjay Dutt's Place

Sanjay and Maanyata Dutt held a Mata Ki Chowky at their Pali Hill home on Saturday. Several Bollywood folk were present. Spotted at the event were Zayed Khan and family. Zayed came with his wife Mallaika Parekh and one and half year old son Zidaan.

Zayed Khan with his wife Mallaika and son Zidaan

Ziddan, was born on 18 January 2008. Zayed says “My son's name, Zidaan means son. His naming was put to vote and we all opted for Zidaan. It feels very strange and yet very comforting to have someone usurp me as the baby of the family. I enjoyed it while it lasted. But now I want to pass the baton on.

Grandfather Sanjay Khan calls Zidaan his third copy.

“The three most defining moments in a guy’s life are, when his father calls him his son, when the woman he loves call him her husband and when his child calls him father. I’ve gone through all these defining moments. My parents are ecstatic. Words cannot express their happiness. My dad says, ‘My third copy is out’.”

Latest Photographs of Hrithik Roshan's Son Hrehaan

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Only God can never let you down. Only He can be all you need and so much more. Only God can be everything you dreamed Him to be and never have you wanting more. I say this because I realize that we paint this picture of people in our mind and when they mess up (because we’re human and we do mess up) we’re disappointed. I realized I have been doing this for a while. Even in the midst of the mess I wanted to see them as a hero and a victim when that wasn’t really the case. But in the midst of it all, I learned about the incredible power of prayer. I ask God to show me what He wants me to pray for but I never would actually pay attention to the answer until now. He has been showing me all along in every conversation, situation, etc what to pray for and now I see; now I’m listening.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

It’s A Party!

Today the Youth of Mt. Olive is going to show some love to the Youth at Shepherd’s House (why am I not surprised, lol). They are having a block party and we are going to go show some love and support. I love the fact that young people can come together and have a great time for the Lord. I just got back from the salon and I finally got my beautician to dye my hair black. I have been bickering with her forever about this topic; she wants to streak it and I’m like “NO WAY!” I won! Well, this time I did. I am so looking forward to later. I’ll keep you posted.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Switch it Up!

Fall is right around the corner so that means its time to make some changes to the hairstyle and the wardrobe. I am so looking forward to the tartans, glamour, rock that fall is letting me chose from. So I am going to do a rocker prep look or a bohemian prep look. I am so excited! I have to get my jacket, flat boots, heel boots, heels, pants, tops, skirts, etc. The list just goes on and on! So many shops, so little time! I have my fav stores like Zara and J.Crew, my cute stores to get bits and pieces like Urban Outfitters, Forever 21 and H&M, and new stores that I will be hiting up like White House, Black Market, Free People and Anthropologie. I love shopping!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Found Them!

After centuries of looking and waiting………, not really but it feels like it. I found my birthday shoes! They are the coolest, most awesomest (not a word, I know), sexiest shoes I’ve seen in a long time; and they called out to me! I was googling shoes with studs on them because I’m going for a rocker meets couture look (I’m designing my own dress); I saw the shoes and the rest is history…….They’re black leather studded round toe pumps by Dolce Vita. They’re only $225 so my mother won’t complain she’s getting faint when I mention the price. Fashionable and affordable; what more could a girl want?

shoes. slurpee. jewellery.

Oh man. What a day. Can Winter come back plz? Hot and sweaty is not my bag. (Minds. gutter. out.) So that's the first thing I want. The second thing I want is for to be awake again. I had a very long day and just got home an hour ago and am still too tired to be productive. HELP! Looking at photos of Rihanna on Google is not sufficient research (it is research, yes, but not enough to do a case study on).

But THE most important thing of the day, is this. I had one earlier (5 whole hours ago!) and now I want another. I had a raspberry before, want blue now please.

These amazing, heartstopping, shoes. And foot-stomping stopping too, I'm sure. I bet Rihanna already has them. Fierce bitch.

And in keeping with the hardcore theme, how fucking rad is this Burberry ring? It's barbared wire! Great success.

Note: It is my 21st birthday on the 7th of November. If you read my blog. No excuses for not knowing what I want. Just sayin'.