Friday, September 11, 2009

Is He Not Strong Enough?

I never want to be in a position where I doubt my God and want He can do. I know God is a God who can do ANYTHING! There is no limit to what, when and how He can do it. I’m a little tired, I got in at 2:30 am and then went to sleep only to get up at 8:00 and get ready for Elevate today. We got off to a bumpy start; My Youth President Duanne was mad at the boys (Danny, Yardley and Craig) for taking their time and making us later (later being that Duanne made us late to begin with, lol) than we already were. I have bags of clothes for a 3 day retreat! It’s so bad, I feel like such a chick! Any who; the pastor that is speaking is named Kyle Rodgers. He’s an on fire, anointed man of God. Did I mention that he’s 25? Lol. It makes it even better because he’s ministering about what he’s dealing with now. He touched on the topic of being in a relationship even if you know that’s not who God has for you… comment. I’m believing God for an awesome move and change on behalf of the Youth.