Monday, September 7, 2009

What God Has Brought Together......

Today was Jovian & Berlinda’s wedding from Shepherd’s House. It was at this beautiful country club in New Rochelle. I had so much fun. “Richard & Maddy” didn’t get there until the reception and guess what?: she wore a white dress to the wedding! Smh. Doesn’t anyone know wedding etiquette these days? Any who, David (an Evangelist at Shepherd’s House who keeps calling me Rihanna) told me that I will receive a radical last name change. My cousin was so excited and I was sooo embarrassed! Other than that, the wedding was so beautiful. It makes waiting so worth while, to be able to walk down the aisle and into the arms of the person God has for me: priceless. Back to work tomorrow. Everyone loved my Royal Blue Club Monaco dress; I knew they would. Sigh; day in the life of a fashionista.