Saturday, September 26, 2009

I Can Rest Easy

So Berlinda didn’t tell me anything horrible like fire & brimstone will fall on me or anything like that, lol. She just told me that God has so much planned for me and that I will know what its like to commune with Him! I will not lie; I am actually anxious and excited. I had to miss out on intercessory prayer because my aunt’s arthritis was acting up really bad and my cousin needed help with her. Keep her in prayer; I believe God is going to heal her. Any who; I ended up frying up some steaks with her and talking to her to keep her mind off of the pain. I feel that the only way you can help someone is to serve them. To assist them in the time of need; when they need an extra hand. Don’t you agree? Yesterday we went to the Christian Church of Jamaica (a Spanish speaking church) for their English service during their Youth Campaign. It was a blessing! Lately a lot of churches have been talking to their Youths about turning on their lights. It’s time for us to burn bright and burn unashamed.