Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Why Did You Doubt?

I don’t know if I told you guys before, but when I did my Daniel fast we would have prayer sessions after service on Sundays. LOL, I think its funny looking back because I never pegged myself as a prayer warrior but to have someone ask you to pray on their behalf is an honor. Any who, back to the story: Our former Youth President was asked to pray over us that day. I will always remember his prayer. He prayed that I would be a Peter. I remember not fully understanding why throughout the prayer he compared me to him but I asked God to reveal the purpose of it. So fast forward to today; I was reading my copy of Our Daily Bread and the scripture verse was the story of Peter and Jesus walking on water. I stopped literally on Matthew 14:31 (Amplified Bible) “Instantly Jesus reached out His hand and caught and held him, saying to him, O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” I have to say that verse was talking to me. I know what God can do, especially what He can do in my life. I am always the one who wants to jump out of the ship and meet Him even in the craziest circumstances but when I look around that’s when I doubt. If we just keep our eyes on Him in the midst on the winds and currents we can walk right up to Him. He won’t let us sink, so why are we full of doubt?