Saturday, August 29, 2009

What a Wonderful Day

Today was intercessory prayer, baptism and a youth concert: all a day’s work for a youth, lol. But really, prayer service was amazing (it always is), the baptism got me excited again to see that there are still people who have no problem making a statement for Jesus. The concert ended up being a worship experience; an amazing worship experience. I really thank God for His blessings in my life. I realize in this day and time, there aren’t a lot of youth that take a stand for God but to see the masses coming out of a remnant makes me so excited to be one of them. I was telling my cousin the other day that it’s so amazing how when I feel like I am about to throw in the towel the Lord speaks to me and reminds me to keep on the road I’m on. If you don’t believe God is speaking to you, I dare you to ask Him to reveal Himself to you and see what He can do.