Monday, August 31, 2009

My Top 10 Fav Songs- August 2009

So I have been listening to a lot of different music this month. My mood changes with each day but I have kept a couple of songs constantly in play. Here they are:

1. Salvador- Now that I Have You

This song is so amazing! I’ve had the album for some time now and I tell you that when I played this song for the first time it ended up on replay all day.

2. Salvador- Shine

I started to play this song when my grandmother passed. She used to love light houses and every time I played this song I think of how she was a light and shined for us. I want to be a light that shines for others as well and this song explains how I feel.

3. Worth Dying For- Take Me

I took my friends iPod for a day and ended up playing this song all the time. It’s an amazing worship song; telling the Lord to take all of you because you want nothing left. It’s a powerful statement and a powerful song.

4. JudaCamp- It’s Alright

I like this song because it’s such a cool dance song. It’s alright to be crazy and dance like David. I am considering it for one of my dance groups. It makes me so excited when I hear it.

5. LaRue- Jaded

This song is very old. I like the concept of the song because it’s very real. They are acknowledging that the person they were with wasn’t for them; and its time to move on and let go.

6. Sanctus Real- Whatever You’re Doing

Love this song! It’s honest. I know how they feel; whatever God is doing inside of us feels horrible but there’s a peace in the midst of it. In the midst of God moving things around and it hurting, He’s still giving me peace.

7. Abandon Kansas- I Wonder If It’s Me

New band alert! I got this song as a free download from Gotee records. Love it! I haven’t found a band that sounds like this in a while. I like them a lot. I hope to add more songs from them in the near future.

8. Francesca Battistelli- It’s Your Life

I like that the concept of this song is the way God talks to us. It’s our life but we have to be mindful people are watching us. When we say we are Christians we are automatically thrown into a spotlight under a magnifying glass. We have to make sure our lifestyle echoes what we believe.

9. Flyleaf- All Around Me

I am surprised I didn’t add this song sooner. I love the way she sings (Christian Rock music is getting better). You have to hear this song if you haven’t already.

10. Fireflight- Brand New Day

I feel in love with this band when I first heard “Unbreakable”. After I got their album, I was hooked. It is an amazing song. We have to remember each day is a chance to start anew, to make a step towards or away from the life God has for us. We need to stop living in the past and live in Jesus.

I hope you guys liked this month’s selection. Be blessed.