Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Top 10 Fav Songs- July 2009

Sorry I posted the list late! I have been so busy! Well with the wedding on my mind non stop of course I will have A LOT of dance music on here. Here we go:

1. Wave Your Banner- Kierra “KiKi” Sheard
This is the song we walked into during the ceremony. I heard it once and was hooked.

2. Lose it All- Rush of Fools
I love this song! After all the stress I’ve been through, it still feels good to say that I want to lose it all for the Lord.

3. Shake It- Canton Jones
It’s the remake of the Hokey Pokey. I like it to dance to, it’s a cute song.

4. Leeland- Beautiful Lord
Now, I have to have Leeland on my play list. This song is so amazing! It is a beautiful love song to the Lord. To know that in the midst of everything He is there is a feeling that beats all others.

5. Lifehouse- Broken
I am being a total drama queen with this song. But in the midst of the drama, I could relate to this song. Plus it’s Lifehouse; you got to love Lifehouse.

6. Kirk Franklin feat. Toby Mac- I Am God
This song was playing every morning as I got dressed for work. I love the whole concept of being still and letting God be God. How many of us actually do it these days? This song spoke to me a lot.

7. Kierra “KiKi” Sheard- Love Like Crazy
I like this song; it’s a love song about God. I love how it sounds. I replay it all the time I’m in my cousin’s car. It’s a funky song.

8. Delirious?- Everything
I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t listen to my rock worship music, lol. This song is the song that just makes you realize where you stand in your relationship with Christ. You say that the Lord is everything, and truly mean it should show in your lifestyle. I love this band and this song though its old is amazing!

9. B.Reith- Mess
I love this song! I have been humming it all day today. It’s everybody’s song. We are in a mess and we need the only One who can get us out of it. It takes a lot to admit you’re dependent on someone. But to be dependent on God is the best support system ever.

10. Denver & The Mile High Orchestra- Good to Go
I’ve had this album for awhile but I just started to listen to it again recently. I love swing music! It’s the instruments, I am an instrument girl (guitars, drums, trumpets, violins); I love this song because it’s a feel good song but it still uplifts God. And there’s nothing wrong with having a good time and still giving God the praise.

I hope you liked my selection for July, I wonder what will inspire my song selection for August. Be blessed.