Wednesday, August 5, 2009

While I'm Waiting

I love the song by John Waller called “While I’m Waiting” from the Fireproof Soundtrack. It had me thinking: while I’m waiting in my current situation what am I doing? I am giving my relationship with God more “face-time” so to speak, lol. I am also looking into ballet classes, French lessons, cooking, and looking into what classes I want to take before I start spring semester at Parsons. In other words: I am developing myself. I was so used to being what everyone expected me to be now I am being who God intended me to be. I like that: being who God intended me to be. That makes the possibilities as far as the horizon. In this time of waiting I look at it as a time of preparing. I am preparing and honing my skills that I will need later when I’m in Paris designing for Christian Lacroix (God willing his line is still around) or choreographing dances for the Praise Dance Ministry, or even cooking for fundraisers. The possibilities are endless. What are you doing while you’re waiting?