Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Passion & Purity

I’m so excited! I’m reading “Passion & Purity” by Elizabeth Elliot. It’s about the waiting time between her and her husband Jim Elliot (this man’s life makes me want to be more on fire for God). It is so amazing and powerful so far. I think I highlighted the entire first 3 chapters. I’m such a romantic to read the story of how they stayed in God’s will and feel so in love with each other, is that so hard to achieve in this century? God I hope not, I pray that my husband makes some attempt to woo me old school style (letters, sonnets, verses from Songs of Solomon, etc). But what amazes me more is they wanted to please God. They struggled and fought their feelings because they wanted to please God and live a life He had for them. Who does that nowadays? Who says "Thy will be done even though I like him/her so much"? They didn't know their love for God and each other would be a testimony to help and encourage me and so many others. I realize when we go through; we go through so that others will be encouraged when they are also going through or to help some not have to.