Monday, August 24, 2009


“One of the greatest blessings of heaven is the appreciation of heaven on earth. He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose”- Jim Eliot

I have been moved to tears every time I read this quote. To think that he was young (only 4 years older than me) and was so on fire for God that his life didn’t matter. Could I die for Christ? You bet. If you would have asked me that a couple years back and I wouldn’t have answered so quickly; as I gotten older and walked away from a life changing experience with just my nerves rattled I learned everyday that Jesus is sweeter that the day before. To die for Christ is not dying at all; its living a life that could bring someone to Him and make you feel complete. You die so that another might live; isn’t that What God wanted? These missionaries who go to hostile countries to bring the word to the lost are doing the most amazing thing in the world. They are risking their lives so that others can live and walk in the light. I think we need to refocus; this life isn’t about making as much money as possible or “living life to the fullest”, it’s about living your life to the fullest that God has planned for you. How amazing is that? There are blessings, levels and shifts that God has planned for each of us but we need to let go of the concepts and ideas that the world fed us. We need to turn to God and tell Him we die to the things of the world and live for Him.