Thursday, May 19, 2011

Breathe....Just Breathe.....

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Lately I have been anxious; and there is no reason to be really. God has been blessing me: first with my job, with school (junior year is done!), and with a deeper understanding of where my ministry is. Yet, I'm still anxious. It's the No. 1 complaint any quarterlife will make: I'm single! In reality, if you look at it: I'm 26, beginning my career and finishing up school next year, the last thing on my mind should be adding more to my plate by thinking about being in a relationship. But from a Christian point of view: I'm 26!!!!! Lol. My main thing is that I miss companionship. I miss having someone to talk to everyday, go out with, have insider jokes with, etc. Every time I think about it, I look at it from the that point of view and I am ALWAYS reminded that God works on His time and He's always on time. So, what does this Bible verse tell me? Take a deep breath and talk to God, BE THANKFUL and let Him know what's on your mind/what you desire. Then He will give you a peace that even you can't understand. I know He's working it out, and that it will be more amazing than what I can think.....I just have to remember to take a deep breath and be anxious for nothing. Be blessed.