Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm No Longer A Fraud

Last night, I had the pleasure of hearing a word that rocked me to my core. It was by Jesse Peterson, my pastor at Village Vespers (associate pastor at Neighborhood Church of Greenwich Village). I can't even put into words how it spoke to me. In the business that I work in (fashion) it is soooo easy to try to be someone else, to fit the ideas that people want to have of you or to even fit the mold for the job that you do. That was my main problem when I first started working in fashion: trying to be someone I was not. I can't even begin to imagine how much it grieved God that I was not happy with the person He made me to be and that I was trying to be someone else. It was like me telling God that He made a mistake when He created me this way. My new job has allowed me to be more like myself. I'm surrounded by people who love their job and love self-expression (did I mention that I work at my dream label?). I have to say that the one thing about realizing you're a fraud when you're a Christian is knowing that there is Someone that take over and handle it for you. I could say I don't know where I would be if I wasn't in the Lord, but that's not true: I would be dead, literally. But now I have someone who takes on my burdens, stress, pain, etc. and gives me strength, patience, love, peace, joy, etc. And believe me, in this business I need it. So, now that I'm no longer a fraud I have the freedom and the joy that comes with discovering who God intended me to be: and that's awesome. Be blessed.